V4 Learner Handbook 2021 – PDF
21/12/2017Student Info
Current News and Information
ITS OFFICIAL – We are an RTO Opened by Nick Street MP Liberal member for Franklin at 10.30am on the 9th December 2017. Thank you to all the attendees for making time in your busy pre Christmas schedules to come along and celebrate with us. REPORTS work-related-traumatic-injury-fatalities-report-2016 The story below is a good reason […]
07/09/2017Unique Student Identifier
Creating a Unique Student Identifier (USI) will only take a few minutes and it is free. You only need to create a USI once and it will stay with you for life. After you create your USI, you then need to give it to each training organisation you train with when you enrol. To create […]